Thursday, April 12, 2012

Japanese Use Palm Readers Instead of Cards at ATMs

nikkei.comoAfter the tsunami and earthquake that hit Japan last year, many people lost their ATM cards and personal ID and were unable to access their bank accounts.

Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank says in September it will introduce Japan’s first ATMs that will enable customers to conduct cash withdrawals and other transactions by simply placing their palms over a reader, obviating the need for a card or bank book.

Customers who want to use the new ATMs of the Gifu Prefecture-based bank must first register certain biological information beforehand at a bank branch. When using the ATMs, customers will be required to enter their dates of birth, hold their palms over the reader and enter their four-digit ID numbers.

The bank says the new ATMs will mean that customers will still be able to withdraw money even if they lose their cash cards due to a natural disaster.


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